2023年第二届材料科学与工程会议(CoMSE 2023)于2023年7月21-23日在江苏省泰州市成功举办,本次会议聚集了材料科学与机械工程领域的专家学者,交叉融合,共享各领域研究成果。
维泽科技出版社(Viser Technology Pte. Ltd. )成立于新加坡,是一家科技与文化高度融合的创新型企业。聚焦于国际开源中英文期刊、体现文化含量与学术价值图书的出版发行。秉承“传播科技文化,促进学术交流”的理念,与国内外知名院校,科研院所及数据库建立了稳定的合作关系。坚持开拓创新,实施“跨越-融合”的发展战略,立足中国、新加坡两地…
Load More7月19日,南方建筑编辑部与维泽科技出版社战略合作签约仪式暨《南方建筑学报(英文版)》(Journal of Southern Architecture)成立发布会在河北省迁安市成功召开。
南方建筑编辑部邵松主任指出与维泽科技出版社达成战略合作,共同推进《南方建筑学报(英文版)》(Journal of Southern Architecture)的全面发展,我们的目标是在未来短时间冲进世界学术期刊的第一方阵,做高端学术期刊,为我国的学术期刊发展贡献一份力量。
Load MoreIn order to give full play to the important role of trade associations and academic publishing institutions in building academic exchange platforms, promote the popularization and popularization of related science and technology, and promote the growth and improvement of scientific and technical ta…
Load MoreAnd the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other seven departments issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of New Urban Infrastructure (J.G.F. [2020] No.73), proposing to speed up the construction of new urban infrastructure based on informationization,…
Load MoreFrom May 14th to 15th, 2021 International Forum on Laminated Metal Composites and the 6th China Symposium on Aluminum Matrix Composites Technology and Application were held in Shanghai. This forum is sponsored by Shanghai Nonferrous Metals Society and Shanghai Nonferrous Metals Industry Ass…
Load MoreThe first academic conference on materials science and mechanical engineering-the first seminar on the development of Viser academic journals was successfully held in Chongqing Huashang International Conference Center. This seminar gathered experts and scholars in the fields of materials science an…
Load MoreThe National Symposium on Advanced Composites Science and Application is an important academic conference in the field of materials research in China. It has been successfully held in Zhen Jiang and Tianjin for two times. The conference mainly conducts academic exchanges and discussions on th…
Load MoreThe "2019 Second Forum on Experimental Design and Computation Simulation of Advanced Structural Mate
The first session of "Experimental Design and Computational Simulation Forum for Advanced Structural Materials" was successfully held in Beijing on December 14-16, 2018. In two days, nearly 200 material workers from all corners of the country gathered in Beijing and participated in this forum…
Load MoreFrom November 1st to 3rd, 2019, China (Wuhan) International Bridge Science and Technology Forum and China (Wuhan) International Bridge Industry Expo were held at Wuhan International Expo Center. The event was hosted by Hubei Provincial Communications Department and Wuhan Municipal Government, a…
Load MoreFrom September 19th to 21st, LW2019–the 7th Aluminum Processing Technology (International) Forum and Exhibition held by LW Aluminum Processing Technology Center was held in Guangzhou. Viser Technology is co - organizer and publish thematic special issues. More than 400 experts…
Load MoreThe 2019 World Transport Convention (WTC) is jointly sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology, Ministry of Transport and Chinese Academy of Engineering and China Highway and Transportation Society.Viser Technology is the media support unit and publish thematic special issues.T…
Load More第一届材料科学与机械工程学术会议--首届维泽学术期刊发展研讨会由新加坡维泽科技出版社主办,旨在加快推动期刊融合发展,提升期刊品牌意识及国际影响力,促进交流与合作、推进改革和创新,同时围绕“材料科学”“机械工程”的最新研究领域,探讨本领域发展所面临的关键性挑战问题和研究方向,为材料科学、机械工程等领域的专家学者、工程技术人员、技术研发人员提供一个共享科研成果和前沿技术,加强学术研究和探讨,促进学术成果产业化合作的平台。大会诚邀国内外高校、科研机构专家、学者,企业界人士及其他相关人员投稿和参会…
Load MoreIn order to promote basic research on domestic industrial software, improve the level and proportion of domestic industrial software, and help achieve the Made in China 2025 plan, Viser Technology Pte. Ltd. plans to publish a special issue on "Scheduling Algorithms and Systems in the Manufacturing …
Load More经国务院批准,由中国科学技术协会、交通运输部、中国工程院共同主办,中国公路学会承办,国内外交通运输科研机构、院校、企事业单位和社会组织的共同支持的2019世界交通运输大会,定于2019年6月13日至16日在北京国家会议中心举行。6月13日报到,6月14日-16日开会。大会以“智能绿色引领未来交通”为主题,内容涵盖学术交流、成果推广、产品展示、国际合作、科技竞赛、学科报告与标准发布等内容,旨在为世界交通运输行业提供酝酿创新、主导创新、展示创新和实施创新的国际化交流平台。