Mechanical Engineering Science
Mechanical Engineering, subordinate to Viser Technology Ptd Ltd in Singapore, is a full English, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal dedicated to reporting on the latest research developments and scientific research achievements in the field of mechanical engineering. The purpose of this journal is to reflect the advanced progress of mechanical engineering and to promote the process of discipline specialization, and to provide a good platform for the dissemination, sharing and exchange of experts, scholars and researchers in the field of mechanical engineering.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge, published as open access. Authors retain copyright but licence exclusive rights in their article to the publisher, authors have the right to:
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Viser Technology Pte. Ltd. follows a double-blind peer-review procedure for submissions of all manuscripts to its journals.
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All of the submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. The name of all reviewers will be blind. All reviewers should be academically qualified to review a submitted article, and they should complete her/his review scores and review comments in time. The review comments will be constructive for authors.
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- The EIC has the authority to make a final decision on the submitted article based on reviewers' and editor's review scores/comments or his/her own discretion.
- The editor can make a preliminary decision on the submitted paper based on reviewers' scores/comments or his/her own discretion. The editor can provide his/her own review comments or suggestions on the submitted paper with EIC.
- The EIC and editor should be fair and should not use prejudice/bias of any kind against the author during the review process.
- The EIC and editor's decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based only on the paper's importance, originality, and clarity, and the study's relevance to the remit of the journal.
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Anonymity of reviewers as well as the author should be maintained by the EIC and editor during the review process.
When an error is found, the EIC should correct it immediately or withdraw the publication.
Publishing Ethics Issues
Monitoring/safeguarding of the publishing ethics will be maintained by the EIC and the editorial board.
- The EIC with the editorial board should maintain high levels of intellectual and ethical standards, precluding business needs from compromising intellectual standards.
- The EIC should ensure that plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and fraudulent data are not allowed as mentioned above.
- The EIC should be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, withdrawals, and apologies as appropriate when needed.
Mechanical Engineering Science(MES) is an international open access journal launched by VISER PUBLISHING in Singapore, which dedicated to prompt publication of significant advances on the latest research developments and scientific achievements in the field of mechanical engineering, covering engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, engineering materials, material mechanics, combustion, heat transfer, thermodynamics, tribology, mechanism, mechanical principles, mechanical parts, metal technology and non-metallic technology, etc. The aim of MES is to reflect the advanced progress of mechanical engineering and promote the process of discipline specialization, and provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning mechanical engineering.
ISSN: 2661-4448 (online)
ISSN: 2661-443X (print)
The publication frequency of this journal is Half-yearly
Guangzhao Fan | Dalian University of Technology | China |
Xianju Yuan | Hubei University of Automotive Technology | China |
Guojin Tan | College of Communications, Jilin University | China |
Chi Ma | Chongqing University | China |
Chunguo Zhang | Chang 'an University | China |
Xiangjie Yang | Nanchang University(ncu) | China |
Jun Shao | Xi’an Shiyou University | China |
Wenzheng Wu | Jilin University | China |
Aiwu Ding | Hainan ZHONGXIANG Technology Co. Ltd | China |
Yutian Ding | Lanzhou University of Technology | China |
Junbiao Peng | Shanghai Hao Yuan Rubber Products Co. Ltd | China |
Yijie Gu | Shandong University of Science and Technology | China |
Jiangtao Li | Henan Panrui Composite Materials Research Institute | China |
Zhaoning Yang | XI'AN University of Posts&Telecommunications | China |
Jianlian Cheng | Chang'an University | China |
Daoming Wang | Hefei University of Technology | China |
Jianzhuo Zhang | Liaoning Technology University | China |
Miao Xie | Liaoning Technology University | China |
Xinle Yang | Liaoning Technology University | China |
Chuanyu Wu | Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University | China |
Linsen Shu | Shaanxi University of Technology | China |
Zhuanzhe Zhao | Anhui Polytechnic University | China |
Di Wang | Chang 'an University | China |
Simeng Liu | Chang 'an University | China |
Chaolei Huang | Chang 'an University | China |
Qi Liu | Ningxia shenzhou Tyre Co. Ltd | China |
Yan Ran | Chongqing University | China |
Haifeng Lv | North University | China |
Liaoyuan Zhang | Shenyang Ligong University | China |
Zhengying Wei | Xian Jiaotong University | China |
Qin Lian | School of Mechanical Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University | China |
Shuhai Jia | School of Mechanical Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University | China |
Yongchang Gao | Chang'an University | China |
Bo Cheng | College of Engineering machinery, Chang'an University | China |
Qi Gao | Liaoning University of Technology | China |
Chaoqun Wang | Qingdao Shuangxing Co. Ltd. | China |
Longlong Guo | Xi’an Shiyou University | China |
Guangzhao Fan | Dalian University of Technology, China | China |
Yiqi Wang | Dalian University of Technology, China | China |
Rencheng Jin | Dalian University of Technology, China | China |
Xingang Wang | Northeastern University | China |
Jingxiu Ling | Fujian University of Technology | China |
Carlos Frajuca | Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo | Brazil |
Dongxiao Hou | Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao | China |
Lingyun Yao | Southwest University | China |
Jianxiong Ye | Nanchang Institute of Technology | China |
Yuanchao Deng | School of Mechanical Engineering, Hubei University of Technology | China |
Qinjian Zhang | Beijing Information Science and Technology University | China |
Daoyun Chen | East China Jiaotong University | China |
Farshid Mirzaee | Malayer University | Iran |
Belkacem Sebti | University of batna2 Algeria | Algeria |
Adil Brouri | ENSAM,Moulay Ismail University | Morocco |
Evgeny Buryi | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation |
Kandreegula Suresh Kumar | VECV | India |
Chunyu Zhang | University of Science And Technology of Anhui | China |
Cinzia Buratti | University of Perugia | Italy |
Fanglong Yin | Beijing University of Technology | China |
Feng Lu | Shenyang Jianzhu University | China |
Qunfeng Zeng | Xi’an Jiaotong University | China |
Hua Zhang | Wuhan University of Science and Technology | China |
Qiangxian Huang | Hefei University of Technology | China |
Fang Cheng | Advanced Remanufacgturing and Technology Centre, A*STAR, Singapore | China |
Diego Galar | Luleå University of Technology | Sweden |
Saad A. El-Sayed | Zagazig University | Egypt |
Siwen Tang | Hunan University of Science and Technology | China |
YungChun Lee | National Cheng Kung University | China |
Jing Wei | Chongqing University | China |
Qiang Jiang | Chongqing University Of Technology | China |
Zhanhua Song | Shandong Agricultural University | China |
Yi Qin | Chongqing University | China |
Jun Tian | Dongguan University Of Technology | China |
Hongbo Yan | Inner Mongolia university of science and technology | China |
Jianyong Li | Shandong university | China |
Qiang Wang | Heilongjiang Institute of Technology | China |
Guodong Sun | Hubei University Of Technology | China |
Weidong Yang | Hebei University of Technology | China |
Mingxing Lin | Shandong University | China |
Gaipin Cai | Jiangxi University of Science and Technology | China |
Wenyi Liu | Jiangsu Normal University | China |
Bing Chen | University of Science and Technology Beijing | China |
Yang Tang | Southwest Petroleum University | China |
Guorong Wang | Southwest Petroleum University | China |
Yimin Deng | Ningbo University | China |
Wenjun Meng | Shanxi Institute of Energy | China |
Youchao Sun | Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics | China |
Zurong Qiu | Tianjin university | China |
Qingshuang Chen | Jiangxi key laboratory of automobile noise and vibration | China |
Peiqi Liu | Dalian University of Technology | China |
Xiuwu Sui | Tianjin Polytechnic University | China |
Keqiu Gu | Nanjing University of Science and Technology | China |
Zhiqiang Xie | Harbin University of Science and Technology | China |
Haidong Shao | Hunan University | China |
Chun Chen | Shaanxi University of Technology | China |
Liangbo Sun | Wuhan Polytechnic University | China |
Lijuan Yu | Jilin University | China |
Jin Zhang | Yanshan university | China |
Jinliang Xu | North China Electric Power University | China |
Qingyang Wang | North China Electric Power University | China |
Ling Xiang | North China Electric Power University | China |
Debiao Meng | School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | China |
Email: viser-tech@outlook.com
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In order to promote basic research on domestic industrial software, improve the level and proportion of domestic industrial software, and help achieve the Made in China 2025 plan, Viser Technology Pte. Ltd. plans to publish a special issue on "Scheduling Algorithms and Systems in the Manufacturing …
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