Journal of South Architecture
Journal of South Architecture, was founded by the Editorial Department of Southern Architecture and Viser Technology Press in 2024, which is an English architecture journal of global distribution. The Journal of South Architecture adheres to the principles of "peer review", "double-blind peer review", "academics first", and regards "focus on research, theory, and innovation" as its purpose of publication. In China, the journal is facing major global requirements and disciplinary frontier, reporting important theoretical innovations, recording major engineering practices of the times, publishing high-level scientific research achievements in disciplines, such as architecture, urban and rural planning, landscape architecture and other disciplines, so as to become an famous English journal of architecture in the world.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge, published as open access. Authors retain copyright but licence exclusive rights in their article to the publisher, authors have the right to:
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Monitoring/safeguarding of the publishing ethics will be maintained by the EIC and the editorial board.
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- The EIC should ensure that plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and fraudulent data are not allowed as mentioned above.
- The EIC should be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, withdrawals, and apologies as appropriate when needed.
This journal is including: research on design, urban and rural planning, landscape design, and vernacular and traditional architecture, and so on, which is dedicated to long-term solicitation of manuscripts in the fields of architecture, urban-rural planning, landscape architecture and related fields.
ISSN: 3029-2336 (online)
ISSN: 3029-2263 (print)
The publication frequency of this journal is Quarterly
Jingtang He | Academician, Professor, Chinese Academy of Engineering, School of Architecture, South China University of Technology China | China |
Shuoxian Wu | Academician, Professor, Chinese Academy of Engineering, School of Architecture, South China University of Technology China | China |
Yihe Zhang | Design Principle, Zenx International Pty. Ltd. | Australia |
Dawei Xiao | Deputy Editor in Chief of South Architecture; Professor, School of Architecture, South China University of Technology | China |
Song Shao | Deputy Chief of Editorial Dept.of South Architecture | China |
Shifu Wang | Assistant Dean of the School of Architecture, South China University of Technology, Director of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Planning Innovation Research Center, Director of Guangdong Urban-rural High-quality Development Research Center, Director of Guangdong Smart City Planning Engineering Research Center. | China |
Jakub Świerzawski | Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Academy of Silesia | Poland |
Manlio Michieletto | Associate Professor, Department of Architecture and Urban Design, German University in Cairo | Egypt |
Tania Ali Soomro | Lecturer, Architecture and Planning, NED University of Engineering and Technology Karachi | Pakistan |
Shelley E. Roff | Professor, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Texas at San Antonio | USA |
Mohammad Arif Kamal | Associate Professor, Architecture Section Aligarh Muslim University INDIA | India |
Anosh Nadeem Butt | Tutor, Glasgow International College | UK |
Gisela Barcellos de Souza | Assistant Professor, Department of Urbanism, Federal University of Minas Gerais | Brazil |
Marcelo Mari | Associate Professor, Art History Department, Universidade de Brasília | Brazil |
Giuseppe Resta | Researcher, Faculdade de Arquitectura da, Universidade do Porto | Portugal |
Radivoje Dinulović | Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Department of Architecture, Sub-department of Arts and Design | Serbia |
Anand Khatri | Professor, Urban Village Charitable Trust, Apeejay Institute of Technology School of Architecture & Planning | India |
Fereshteh Beigli | Assistant professor, Skill National University, Shariaty college, architecture and urban faculty. | Iran |
Angelica Stan | Prof. PhD Arch., Habil urb.,Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning Bucharest | Romania |
Khalfallah Boudjemaa | Director, Urban design and environment laboratory, Msila university | Algeria |
Francesca Vita | Junior researcher, Iscte-Iul (Lisbon) | Portugal |
Lucinda Oliveira Caetano | Senior Technician, Departamento de Bens Culturais - Divisão de cadastro, Inventário e Classificação, Património Cultural - Instituto Público | Portugal |
Brahim Abdelkebir | Associate professor, Civil engineering and hydraulics, Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma | Algeria |
Sammar Z. Allam | Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, King Salman International University | Egypt |
Nor Suzylah Sohaimi | Senior Lecturer, Department of Planning and Property Development, School of Government (SoG), UUM College of Law, Government, and International Studies (UUMCOLGIS), Universiti Utara Malaysia | Malaysia |
Yakubu Bako Makarfi | Lecturer I, Environmental Management, Kaduna State University (KASU) | Nigeria |
Zoran Markovic | Doctor of Architecture (PhD in Architectural Theory and History); Head of Department of Design and Principal Researcher in Architectural History in Department of Research, ARCHI - Design and Research Institute | Botswana |
Rúben Manuel P. Ferreira | Lisbon School of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Investigation Center CIAUD | Portugal |
Ines Sahtout Gaha | Assistant professor, Design / Art and Culture doctoral school, Higher Institute of fine Arts-Tunis-Tunisia, | Tunisia |
Samia Gallouzi | Assistant Professor, Architecture and Plastic Arts Department, National School of Architecture & Urban planning, University of Carthage University of Carthage | Tunisia |
Necissa Yamina | Senior Lecturer, Architecture & Urban Planning, University Saad Dahleb Blida1 | Algérie |
Senada Demirovic Habibija | Assistent professor, Interior Design, University "Dzemal Bijedic", Mostar | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Magdalena C Cloete | Lecturer & B.Arch.Honours programme coordinator, Department of Architecture, University of KwaZulu-Natal | South Africa |
Tze Ming LEUNG | Lecturer, Department of Architecture / Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Engineering | China |
Femi Adekunle BALOGUN | Lecturer/Researcher, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Ibadan | Nigeria |
Admir Kulin | Blum institute | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Fernando Fonseca Cruz | Guest Assistant Professor,Civil Protection, Atlântica - Instituto Universitário | Portugal |
Houda Kohli Kallel | Assistant Professor, Kairouan Univrsity | Tunisia |
ATHANASIOS KOUZELIS | Professor emeritus, UniWA , Greece and Chalmers univ. of Technology, Sweden | Sweden |
Ding Ding | A. Prof.; Head of Architecture Department, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xihua University | China |
Frederico Canuto | Associate professor, Urbanism, Federal University of Minas Gerais | Brazil |
Naima Benkari | Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University | Oman |
Jiaxin Zhang | Lecture, Architecture and design college, Nanchang University | China |
Daniela Moreira da Silva | Assistant Researcher, DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte - Centre for Socioeconomic Change and Territorial Studies (ECSH), ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon | Portugal |
Marina Borges | Resercher, Arquitectura e Urbanismo, Universidade do Porto | Portugal |
Emmanuel Dele Omopariola | Researcher, Construction Economics and Management, University of Cape Town | Canada |
Jorge Humberto Canastra Marum | Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering and Architecture Department, Beira Interior University / Research Center in Architecture, Urbanism and Design from Lisbon University | Portugal |
Huriye Gürdallı | Prof. Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Near East University | Türkiye |
Berfu Güley Gören Soares | Principal Investigator, CICS.NOVA of School of Social and Human Sciences, NOVA University of Lisbon | Portugal |
Seemantini Chaphalkar | Professor and Academic Head, Vidya Pratishthan's School of Architecture | India |
Debashis Sanyal | Professor & Dean (Fw), Department Of Architecture And Planning, National Institute Of Technology Raipur | India |
Evawani Ellisa | Professor, Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia | Indonesia |
Luisa da Cunha Teixeira | Researcher, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Urbanismo - PROURB-UFRJ | Brazil |
Mingrui Jia | Assistant Landscape Architect, Ecology and Landscape Department, China Architecture Design Group | China |
Amina Tekitek Bouden | Assistant Professor, ESSTED, Higher School of sciences and technologies of Design, University of Manouba | Tunisia |
Odunjo Oluronke Omolola | Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology | Nigeria |
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