Research on the History of Teacher Education Thought in Britain
“Research on the History of Teacher Education Thought in Britain" is an important work that delves deeply into the development of teacher education thought in England. The book systematically reviews the main theories and practices of teacher education in England from ancient times to the present, analyzing the impact of educational thought from different historical periods on teacher education.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Section 1: Research Standpoint and Overall Structure of the Book
Section 2: Fundamental Course of Teacher Education Reform and Development in Britain
Section 3: Power and Influence of the Empirical Philosophical Tradition
Chapter 2: Educational Practice and Thought during the Period of Pre-modern Britain
Section 1: Educational Practice during the Period of Pre-modern Britain
Section 2: Teacher Training Practice during the Period of Pre-modern Britain
Section 3: Educators' Thoughts on Teachers and Teacher Education during the Period of Pre-modern Britain
Chapter 3: Teacher Education Practice and Thought during the Period of British Early Modernization
Section 1: Educational Development during the Period of Early Modernization
Section 2: Teacher Training Practice and Thought during the Period of Early Modernization
Section 3: Teacher Education Thought of Educators during the Period of Early Modernization
Chapter 4: Teacher Education Practice and Thought during the Period of British Modernization Formation
Section 1: Advancement of Public Education during the Period of Modernization Formation
Section 2: Teacher Education Exploration and Thought during the Period of Modernization Formation
Section 3: Teacher Education Thought of Educators during the Period of Modernization Formation
Chapter 5: Teacher Education Practice and Thought in Britain during the Period of Modernization Acceleration
Section 1: Social Background of Teacher Education Reform and Development during the Period of Modernization Acceleration
Section 2: Development of Teacher Education Practice and the Intensification of Thought Focus during the Period of Modernization Acceleration
Section 3: Crucial Policies for Teacher Education and the Internal Thought Shifts Manifested during the Period of Modernization Acceleration
Section 4: Educators' Educational Thoughts, Practices, and Views of Teachers during the Period of Modernization Acceleration
Chapter 6: Teacher Education Practice and Thought in Britain during the Period of Modernization Development
Section 1: Sociocultural Context of Teacher Education Reform and Development during the Period of Modernization Development
Section 2: Teacher Education Thought in Britain during the Period of Modernization Development
Section 3: Teacher Education Practice in Britain during the Period of Modernization Development
Section 4: Educator's Thought and Educational Policy during the Period of Modernization Development
Chapter 7: Teacher Education Practice and Thought in Britain during the Period of Modernization Deepening Reform
Section 1: Social Background of Teacher Education Reform and Development during the Period of Modernization Deepening Reform
Section 2: Transformation of Teacher Education Thoughts and Practice at the Turn of the Century
Section 3: Emerging Trends in Teacher Education Thoughts during the period of Deepening Modernization Reform — an Interpretive Analysis Based on Educational Policies
Section 4: Teacher Education Thought of Contemporary Educators
Author(s) Information
Author: ZHANG Shuang
Translators: ZHUANG Sansheng, MENG Lili