From Tsinghua to National Southwestern Associated University


       "From Tsinghua to National Southwestern Associated University" narrates the life of Zhu Ziqing. The book elaborates on his academic journey from Tsinghua University to the United University, showcasing his stature as a cultural figure.

Author(s) Information

Author: ZHU Ziqing
Translator: HONG Ge

About the Translator:
       HONG Ge(红鸽), Ph.D in Literature, is an associate professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Hohhot Minzu College, teaching courses such as Educational Research Methods, Academic Writing and Research Methods, English Writing, Linguistics, and Second Language Acquisition. She has published over 20 papers at home and abroad and taken in charge of more than 10 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects. As a visiting scholar, She has studied at the University of Massachusetts Amherst for a year. Currently, she has written and published 3 textbooks and 4 academic monographs.

From Tsinghua to National Southwestern Associated University