Police from Different Policing Systems and Cultures
While weighing the options of a centralized, decentralized, or half-centralized policing system, police forces also swing between policing styles of legalistic and service, reactive and proactive. Cultural values play a role therein. Police from Different Policing Systems and Cultures will take you on a voyage to discover how different policing systems and cultural values are impacting the professionalism, accountability, and legitimacy of police forces, what public security issues are inflicting people somewhere in the world, and what unprecedented challenges police forces are facing. It also explores the linkage between culture and policing in the hope of contributing to a better understanding of different policing systems and cultures worldwide.
Chapter One An Introduction to the Police of the USA
1. A historical overview
2. Federal-level law enforcement agencies
3. State-level law enforcement agencies
4. County-level sheriffs‟ departments or offices, constables and county police
5. Municipal, city and local police
6. Special district police
7. Decentralization
Chapter Two American Style of Policing
1. The four policing eras and modernization of the US police
2. Watchman, legalistic and service
3. Reactive or proactive
Chapter Three Over-policing and Under-policing
1. Case study: A woman with mania syndrome
2. Guardian or warrior
3. Racial discrimination
4. Militant style
5. The use of force
6. The use of deadly force
7. Qualified mmunity
Chapter Four Gun Violence in the US
1. High gun ownership rate and easy access to guns
2. Major mass shootings
3. The Second Amendment
4. The Castle Doctrine and the Stand-Your-Ground Law
5. Weak gun laws
6. The pro-gun lobby
7. National Rifle Association (NRA) and divide over guns
8. High violent crime rates and over-and-under-policed areas
9. Racism and gun violence
Chapter Five An Introduction to the Police of Canada
1. Police forces at different levels
2. Different police personnel
3. Peace officers vs. police officers
4. From recruits to sworn officers
5. Canadian police vs. the US police
Chapter Six Drug Policy in Canada
1. Different drug control models
2. Canada: From prohibition to legalization & decriminalization
3. Legalization of cannabis
4. Decriminalization experiment in British Columbia
5. The opioid overdose crisis
6. The international evidence Canada depends on
7. Where is BC‟s drug decriminalization leading to?
8. Different voices
9. Culture and drug use
Chapter Seven A Briefing on the British Police History
1. Bow Street Runners
2. Robert Peel and his bobbies
3. Community policing
4. Safer neighborhoods teams
5. Policing by consent
Chapter Eight An Introduction to the Police of the UK
1. Home Office, Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and Northern Ireland Policing Board
2. Territorial police Forces, national police forces, and specialist police forces
3. National Crime Agency (NCA): the British FBI
4. Police Officer, Civilian Staff, PCSO and Special Constable
5. Police ranks, recruitment and promotion
Chapter Nine Football Hooliganism in the UK
1. Football hooligans in the UK
2. Policing games with football hooliganism
3. Mounted police and sniffer dogs
4. Power of Legislation
Chapter Ten Brexit and UK-EU Cooperation in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement
1. A brief historical overview
2. Referendum and Brexit timeline
3. Brexit — for good or for bad?
4. UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement
5. Splendid Isolation and British Exceptionalism
Chapter Eleven Human Rights Safeguards in the UK Extradition System
1. Extradition Arrangements
2. Journalist or not
3. Imbalanced UK-US extradition regime
4. Abolition of the political offense bar
5. A weaker political opinion bar
6. A similarly biased fair trial bar
7. An oppression bar complicated by assurances
8. Reduced executive role and relaxed human rights safeguards
9. Balance between human rights and law enforcement cooperation
Chapter Twelve An Introduction to the Police of France
1. Centralization and decentralization
2. Police Nationale
3. Gendarmerie Nationale
4. General Directorate for Internal Security(DGSI))
5. History, new trends and Police Municipale
6. Public view of the police
Chapter Thirteen A Glimpse of the French Culture
1. Individualistic and liberal
2. Love for artistry
3. Formality or pretentiousness
4. Diversity and stratification
5. Secularism
Chapter Fourteen Terrorist Attacks and the Migration Crisis
1. Charlie Hebdo attack
2. November 2015 Paris attacks
3. French responses to the attacks
4. Europe‟s Migration (Refugee) Crisis in 2015
5. Why France?
Chapter Fifteen Strikes and the Police
1. May 68 Uprising
2. Yellow Vest Protests
3. Criticism of police brutality
4. The ban on filming police
5. Suicide waves of police
Chapter Sixteen An Introduction to the Police of Germany
1. Federal law enforcement agencies
2. State police forces
3. City and town police forces
4. Munich 1972 and counter-terrorism GSG 9
Chapter Seventeen The Prostitution Industry and Sex Trafficking in Europe
1. Prohibition, abolition and regulation
2. Cash cows
3. Sex exploitation and sex trafficking
4. Challenges for law enforcement agencies
Chapter Eighteen A Glimpse of the Russian Culture
1. The double-headed eagle
2. Growth of Russia and its wrestling with the USA
3. Energy and economic relationship
4. Diversity and unity
Chapter Nineteen An Introduction to the Police of Russia
1. Three phases
2. Organizational structure
3. Public opinion of the police
Chapter Twenty Counter-terrorism in Russia
1. Terrorist threats
2. Decree 1167 and reform
3. Counter-terrorism measures for the Sochi Olympics
4. Countering the financing of terrorism
Chapter Twenty-one A Glimpse of the Japanese Culture
1. Crisis mentality and imperialism
2. Economic take-off, recession and recovery
3. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
Chapter Twenty-two An Introduction to the Police of Japan
1. National-level police structure
2. Prefectural-level police structure
3. Ranks
4. Training
5. Police responsibilities
6. The use of force and criticism
7. Minor crimes and cultural differences
Chapter Twenty-three Community Policing, Kobans and Chuzaishos
1. Kobans in 19th century of Imperial Japan
2. Kobans today
3. Koban officers in foreigners‟ eyes
4. Architecture designs of kobans and affective law enforcement
5. Strengths and problems of Kobans
6. Exportation of the Koban model
Chapter Twenty-four Yakuza and Organized Crime in Japan
1. Yakuza rituals and culture
2. Yakuza syndicate structures
3. Businessmen or not?
4. Charity or public relations?
5. Organized crime countermeasures
Chapter Twenty-five One of the Safest Countries
1. Homogeneous makeup of Japanese society
2. Restrictive immigration policy
3. Crime prevention and juvenile delinquency prevention
4. Strict gun control laws
5. Economic considerations
6. Culture, philosophy and religion
Chapter Twenty-six Policing and Culture in South Korea
1. Korean National Police Agency
2. Autonomous police force
3. Tourist police force
4. The “Knock Knock” campaign
5. The use of force and under-protected police
6. Collectivism, public attitude and police job satisfaction
Chapter Twenty-seven Itaewon Halloween Crowd Crush
1. The crush and the investigation
2. Stampede and crowd crush
4. Risk of accidents in a moving crowd
5. Crowd management
Chapter Twenty-eight The Rise of Singapore and Its Success in Policing
1. The Rise of Singapore
2. The governance principles
3. East and West
4. Singapore police force
Chapter Twenty-nine Online Scam and Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia
1. The new challenges in Southeast Asia
2. Scams and law enforcement
3. Coordination strategy wanted
Chapter Thirty Progress, limitations and prospects of police interpreting professionalization in China
1. Introduction
2. Literature review
3. Methodology
4. Investigation results about the interpreting accreditation tests
5. Investigation results about police interpreters from different backgrounds
6. Discussion
7. Conclusion
Author(s) Information
Jianlan Xia is a lecturer in Foreign-related Policing and a researcher at the Area and International Studies Research Center of the Beijing Police College. She specializes in applied linguistics, cross-cultural communication, international police cooperation, and police translation and interpreting studies.