Police from Different Policing Systems and Cultures


       While weighing the options of a centralized, decentralized, or half-centralized policing system, police forces also swing between policing styles of legalistic and service, reactive and proactive. Cultural values play a role therein. Police from Different Policing Systems and Cultures will take you on a voyage to discover how different policing systems and cultural values are impacting the professionalism, accountability, and legitimacy of police forces, what public security issues are inflicting people somewhere in the world, and what unprecedented challenges police forces are facing. It also explores the linkage between culture and policing in the hope of contributing to a better understanding of different policing systems and cultures worldwide.

Author(s) Information

Jianlan Xia is a lecturer in Foreign-related Policing and a researcher at the Area and International Studies Research Center of the Beijing Police College. She specializes in applied linguistics, cross-cultural communication, international police cooperation, and police translation and interpreting studies.

Police from Different Policing Systems and Cultures