This research indicates: the reserve value of Zhalantun forest asset is RMB42.787 billion in 2013, of which forest land asset reserve value amounted to RMB27.318 billion, forest timber asset reserve value amounts to RMB 15.469 billion; annual forest ecological service benefit is RMB515.864 billion, in which the economical benefit, capitalized the value of forest land, forest timber, and forest product, is RMB23 .292 billion, the forest ecological service benefit was RMB490.249 billion, and the social service benefit is RMB2.323 billion. The annual benefit is approximately 31 times of GDP value of Zhalantun of that year recorded as RMB 16.567 billion. The details are described as the following tabulation.
National Library Board, Singapore Cataloguing in Publication Data
Name: Zhang, Ying, 1964-
Title: Forest ecological benefit evaluation and construction of balance sheet : taking in Zhalantun City in Inner Mongolia as an example / Ying Zhang.
Description: Singapore : Viser Technology Pte. Ltd., [2019] | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifier(s): OCN 1105621070 | ISBN 978-981-14-2039-9 (paperback)
Subject(s): LCSH: Forests and forestry--Economic aspects--China--Zalantun Shi. | Forests and forestry--Environmental aspects--China--Zalantun Shi. | Ecological surveys--China--Methodology.
Classification: DDC 333.75095177--dc23
Table of Content
About the Author
1 Forest Ecological Evaluation Introduction
1.1 Research Development of Home and Abroad
1.1.1 Relevant Research Abroad
1.1.2 Relevant Domestic Research
1.2 Theory and Method of Forest Ecological Benefit Evaluation
1.2.1 Theory of Evaluation
1.2.2 Methods of Evaluation
1.3 Features of Present Stage for FEBE Research
1.3.1 From Large Scale Research Scope to Multiple Scale Research Scope
1.3.2 Development from Static Value Evaluation to Dynamic Value Evaluation
1.3.3 Revealing Preference, Description Preference, and Insufficiency of Technology Application
1.4 FEBE Prospect
1.4.1 Further Expanding Research Area and Scope
1.4.2 Focus on Spatial Disparity of FES
1.4.3 Concept Change of FESV
1.4.4 Method and Indicators of Improving FEBE
1.4.5 Developing and Researching Temporal-Spatial Dynamic Model of FEBE
1.5 Evaluation Basis
1.6 Material Resources
2 Brief Introduction of Forest Resources of Zhalantun
2.1 Categories and Distribution of Forest Resource
2.2 Administration and Classification of Forest Resources
2.3 Structure of Various Forest Lands
2.3.1 Zhalantun Forestry Bureau (ZFB)
2.3.2 Chaihe Forestry Bureau (CFB)
2.3.3 Nanmu Forestry Bureau (NFB)
2.4 Composition of Various Timber Reserve
2.4.1 Zhalantun Forestry Bureau (ZFB)
2.4.2 Chaihe Forestry Bureau (CFB)
2.4.3 Nanmu Forestry Bureau (NFB)
2.5 Characteristics of Zhalantun Forest Resource
3 Definition of Forest Ecosystem Complex Benefit
3.1 Forest Ecosystem (FE)
3.2 Forest Ecosystem Complex Benefit (FECB)
4 Forest Ecological Economic Benefit Evaluation
4.1 Economic Benefit Evaluation Object
4.1.1 Forest Land
4.1.2 Forest Wood (Timber)
4.1.3 Forest Product
4.2 Economic Benefit Evaluation Methods
4.2.1 Forest Land
4.2.2 Forest Wood (FW)
4.2.3 Forest Product
4.3 Economic Benefit Evaluation Index System
4.3.1 Forest Land
4.3.2 Forest Woods (FW)
4.3.3 Forest Products
4.4 Economical Benefit Evaluation
4.4.1 Forest Land Value
4.4.2 Forest Woods Value (FWV)
4.4.3 Forest Product Value
4.5 Evaluation Results of Economic Benefit
5 Forest Ecosystem Ecological Benefit Evaluation
5.1 Ecological Benefit Evaluation Method
5.1.1 Forest Water Source Conservation
5.1.2 Forest Soil Conservation and Nutrition (FSCN)
5.1.3 Forest Nutrition Matter Accumulation
5.1.4 Forest Air Purification (FAP)
5.1.5 Forest Protection
5.1.6. Forest Species Maintenance and Cultivation (FSMC)
5.1.7 Forest Carbon Stabilization and Oxygen Release (FCSOR)
5.2 Ecological Benefit Material Quantity Evaluation
5.2.1 Material Quantity of Forest Water Resource Conservation
5.2.2 Forestry Soil Maintenance and Cultivation (FSMC) Material Quantity
5.2.3 Forest Nutrition Accumulation (FNA) Material Quantity
5.2.4 Forest Air Purification Environmental Material Quantity
5.2.5 Forest Conservation Material Quantity
5.2.6 Forest Species Conservation and Cultivation Material Quantity
5.2.7 Forest Carbon Sequestration Oxygen Release Amount
5.3 Ecological Benefit Value Evaluation
5.3.1 Forest Water Resource Conservation Value
5.3.2 Forest Soil Conservation and Cultivation Value
5.3.3 Forestry Nutrition Matter Accumulation Value
5.3.4 Forest Air Purification Environment Value
5.3.5 Forest Protection Value
5.3.6 Forest Species Conservation and Cultivation Value
5.3.7 Forest Carbon Sequestration and Oxygen Release Value
5.4 Ecological Benefits Evaluation Result
6 Forest Ecosystem Social Benefit Evaluation
6.1 Forest Recreation Value Evaluation
6.1.1 Forest Recreation Introduction
6.1.2 Evaluation Method and Model
6.1.3 Questionnaire
6.1.4 Survey Analysis and Value Evaluation
6.1.5 Travel and Recreation Value Evaluation Results
6.2 Evaluation on Job Opportunity Supply by Forest
6.2.1 Evaluation Methods
6.2.2 Employment Value of Returning Farm to Forest
6.2.3 Employment Value Evaluation Results
6.3 Scientific, Cultural, and historical Value Evaluation of Forest
6.3.1 WPT Value for Scientific, Cultural and Historical Values
6.3.2 Economic Benefit of Scientific, Cultural and Historical Values
6.3.3 Evaluation Results of Forest Scientific, Cultural and Historical Values
6.4 Social Benefits Evaluation Results
7 Balance Sheet Compilation
7.1 Brief Introduction of Resource Asset Balance Sheet Compilation Research
7.1.1 Foreign Relevant Research
7.1.2 Domestic Relevant Research
7.2 Basis of Asset Balance Sheet Compilation
7.3 Resource Asset Account Compilation Structure
7.3.1 Forest Land Asset Account
7.3.2 Forest Land Asset Account
7.4 Zhalantun Forest Resource Asset Account Compilation
7.4.1 FL Asset Verification
7.4.2 FW Asset Verification
7.4.3 Forest Product Asset Verification
7.4.4 Forest Ecosystem Service Value Verification
7.5 Forest Resource Asset Balance Sheet Analysis
8 Conclusions and Analysis
8.1 Forest Ecosystem Comprehensive Benefits
8.2 Verification Results Analysis
8.2.1 Economic Benefits
8.2.2 Ecological Benefit
8.2.3 Social Benefit
Author(s) Information
Ying Zhang (张颖) is a professor from Beijing Forestry University, an advisor of doctorate students, and a scholar of US China Fulbright Organization. He graduated from School of Economics and anagement from Beijing Forestry University in 1989, and remained in school for teaching afterwards. In 1994, he was admitted by the master program of School of Forestry Economy of Beijing Forestry University, and he gained doctorate degree of Agronomy in 1999 (master-doctor continuous study). He also conducted post doctorate research in Korea University in Korea, and then returned to China in 2000. During ovember of 2002 and January of 2003, he took the position as visiting professor in Taiwan University. Between August 2007 and August 2008, he was the visiting professor of Yale University, USA. From August 2014 to January 2015, he was the visiting scholar in University of Giessen. His academic pursuing has mainly covered the value assessment, verification, lecturing and research on natural resource and environmental
resources, regional economy and so on. He has published 16 academic books, and 5 textbooks. As a chief editor, and vice chief editor or co- editor, he accomplished 23 works, publishing more than 200 essays, of which 22 essays have been collected by SCI and EI, such as“Green GDP Verification Theory and Methods",“Urban Forest Environmental Benefit A ssessment",“Plantation Development: Economic Analysis of Forest Management in Fujian Province, China”and etc. He hosted or participated about 26 research projects both in China and abroad, with 6 projects winning provincial ministry level awards for
the excellent results, 3 projects winning international awards, and 5 outstanding essays.